
Unless circumstances demand otherwise, Tickster uses color icons from Nucleo in all its applications.

For web use, here are the icons currently represented in the UI Framework:

  1. app

  2. cards

  3. cart

  4. chart

  5. chat

  6. check

  7. customize

  8. emoji-sad

  9. order

  10. giftcard

  11. help

  12. info

  13. logo-circle

  14. logo

  15. menu

  16. money

  17. package

  18. paperplane

  19. play

  20. question

  21. search

  22. seasoncard

  23. seat

  24. table

  25. ticket

  26. trash

  27. user

  28. warning

Example usage:

    <use xlink:href="/path/to/ui-framework/symbol/svg/sprite.symbol.svg#icon-name"/>
    <img src="/path/to/ui-framework/svg/icon-name.svg" alt=""/>